My turn-key Maximum Publicity Package gets you interviews on radio shows and podcasts GUARANTEED. We'll do all the work getting the media to ask to interview you!

FROM: Steve Harrison

Dear Friend,

May I ask you a simple question?

What would happen if you and/or your book, product, business or cause were ten times more famous than you are right now – if ten times more people knew who you were and what you did?

I’ll tell you what would happen. You would have TEN times more money, TEN times more influence, and TEN times more fun.

You’d have people beating a path to your door to buy what you’re promoting. More people would be telling their friends and family about you. They’d be going to your website, calling your office, and sending in orders.

If you're promoting a book, the right publicity can skyrocket your book onto the major bestseller lists. I've seen it happen time and time again as a result of just one major media appearance. The right publicity hits also make it much easier to sell foreign rights and/or land a bigger advance for your next book.

If you're promoting a business or yourself as an expert, you'll find the more famous you and your company become in your field, the more money people are willing to pay to do business with you. Imagine being able to raise your fees dramatically and people gladly paying them without even blinking.

Why Publicity Can 
Make Miracles” Happen

  1. It’s FREE! When a major radio program interviews you or a print publication runs a feature story about you, it doesn't cost you a penny to reach their audience of thousands – even millions – of people. It's truly like getting free advertising from that station or publication.
  2. It’s more believable than advertising. When you say how great you are, it’s an ad. But when the media says it, it’s “editorial.” People nowadays are more skeptical than ever, but nothing will help you close more sales than showing potential customers what the media says about you.
  3. It MULTIPLIES!!! Often when you get a story somewhere, it leads to another and another. That’s because the media like to cover things that everybody’s talking about. Not so with an ad! Is anyone ever going to reprint your ad for free? No way.

Thousands of Radio Producers, Podcasters & Bloggers Are Seeking People To Interview — Why Not YOU?

How would you like to sell something people absolutely HAD to buy? Wouldn’t that be great?

Well, that’s the situation the media are in.

Every single day, they have to “buy” an idea for a story or segment. They’re on deadline. They absolutely MUST have something which will be of interest to their audience. They’re going to “buy” from someone. They’re going to find someone to interview.

All you need to do is to show them why YOU should be the one they pick today, this week, this month.

ANYONE Can Get Publicity and I Mean You!

I’ve got some very good news for you.

In order to get publicity…

  • You don’t need to have the #1 book, product or service!
  • You don’t need to be the most knowledgeable expert!
  • You don’t need to have gotten publicity before!
  • The one thing you do need is something of interest to share with their readers/listeners. If you can just show them what you could talk about that would be of interest to their audience, you’ll get booked!

I know. I’ve helped more than 15,000 people – including 12,000 authors – get publicity for what they were promoting. That’s more than anyone you’ll ever find. And I’ve never met anyone who couldn’t get publicity (though I will say some people were a lot harder to promote than others).

If you know enough to answer peoples' basic questions, you have enough expertise to start getting publicity

Do you spend some of your time each day giving advice to your customers or answering your prospects' questions? Then you know enough to start getting publicity.

Maybe you don’t know everything there is to know about your topic and you're not the world's foremost expert in your field. However, I'll bet you know a lot more about your field than the average Joe or Joanne. In fact, I've routinely found that most people dramatically underestimate the value of their own expertise.

An ordinary shoe salesperson, for example, could talk about the latest fashions in ladies shoes and what type of shoes last longer. After all, these are questions he gets asked almost everyday.

Why am I uniquely qualified to help you attract millions of dollars worth of FREE publicity?

Glad you asked!

Since 1986, I’ve helped more entrepreneurs, spokespeople, authors and experts actually get publicity than any publicist or PR expert on the planet. More than 15,000 people with something to promote, including 12,000 non-fiction authors with books, have received publicity on air or in print as a result of what my wonderful staff and I taught them and did for them.

I’ve helped people just like you land appearances on top TV shows and outlets like the Today Show, Good Morning America, CBS Evening News, The View, CNN, Fox News and many others. My tools, tactics and resources have helped my clients get written up in newspapers and magazines around the country... outlets like...

My own products or services have been written up or mentioned in such prestigious publications as Inc., Entrepreneur, Investor’s Business Daily, the Wall Street Journal, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Washington Post, several important industry trade publications and many others. This publicity has brought me many millions of dollars in sales for my company’s products and services.

My company publishes Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR), the publication producers, hosts, and podcasters read to find guests (more on RTIR below!). Over the years, I have personally interviewed hundreds of media decision-makers.

Every year, I do what no publicist or PR person has ever done or could do: I bring together more than 75 journalists, producers and other media decision-makers to meet people just like you. The event is called the National Publicity Summit. After past Summits, participants have gotten coverage from such outlets as Good Morning America, Time Magazine, the New York Times, People, Inc., Entrepreneur, Family Circle, and more. 

I've spoken at conferences for entrepreneurs, business owners and authors – conferences where people like Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham, Mark Victor Hansen, Harvey Mackay, Dan Kennedy, and other sales and marketing gurus speak.

After 30 Million Books Sold, Hear What One of My Most Successful Clients Says

When I first started working with Robert Kiyosaki, he had a garage full of copies of his self-published book. But things changed quickly after we began getting him booked on radio shows across the country. The radio publicity created the momentum he needed to sell his first 250,000 copies and land a publishing deal with Warner Books. The book became a fixture on the New York Times Best Seller List and has now sold more than 30 million copies in 38 languages and 80 countries.

“Without Steve Harrison and his team, Rich Dad Poor Dad never would have become the #1 personal finance book of all time”

Robert Kiyosaki
Author, Rich Dad Poor Dad

Presenting the
Maximum Publicity Package

We’ll Do All the Work to
Get You Interviews… Guaranteed!

I designed my Maximum Publicity Package to be a turnkey system for helping you quickly and cost-effectively get the word out to the most important decision makers in some of today's top media.

Keep reading to find out how our program gives you a six-month publicity campaign guaranteed to generate at least 12 interview requests for you from radio shows and podcasters.

Of course, our goal is for your campaign to generate far more than 12 interview requests. When it does, you don’t owe us a penny more.

Here are the three phases of how we’ll work with you:

Phase 1 of 3 – We’ll Help Set You And Your Message Up For Maximum Media Appeal With Our "Make Me Mediagenic" Coaching

So many authors and experts never make the kind of impact they want because they don't know how to get and keep the media's attention. But as a part of our program, we'll help you become "mediagenic"—the kind of person with the kind of message the media find irresistible!

During the course of three live, weekly, 90-minute Zoom training sessions, my team of media experts and I will guide you through our extremely thorough “Make Me Mediagenic” coaching program. 

Here's just some of all we'll cover...

Developing Your Million-Dollar Publicity "Hooks" 

A “hook” is the one-of-a-kind perspective you bring to your subject, expressed in a short, attention-grabbing way. 

A killer hook makes people sit up and pay attention. It stokes their curiosity, and guarantees they’ll listen to what you have to say.

And the right hook can be used to do more than get media interviews. For example, we helped one motivational speaker come up with this hook: “How to Love a Job You Hate.” That hook really connected with her audiences and helped propel her to blockbuster success.

Or how about this hook we gave to a nutritionist – “10 Foods You Should Never Eat.” If you’re even the least bit mindful of your health, isn’t that a list you would want to stay tuned to hear?

Mastering Your Million-Dollar Interview Strategy

Landing an interview is one thing. Making that interview work as hard for you as it can is another thing entirely. We'll show you exactly how.

You want to have questions you can suggest your interviewer ask you, with answers you've prepared that not only give information but also intrigue audiences so they want to find out even more from you.

Plus, you want to shape your interview in such a way that it becomes an evergreen asset for you... something you can "show off" on your website and across social media for a long time to come, continuing to burnish your reputation as an authority long after it first aired.

Finding Your Best Media Sound Bites

Audience attention is at a premium these days. The media know it. That's why they're more likely to interview authors and experts who can answer questions and discuss their topics in brief, memorable ways.

We'll help you be a better guest by training you to convey your information in sound bites. These pithy phrases you keep "in your pocket" allow you to communicate your key points in unique and unforgettable ways.

Telling Your Compelling Signature Stories

Statistics and a "just the facts" approach have their place, but what we all really remember and want are stories—narratives that connect with our lives, that help us make meaning out of life and the world. 

Whatever your message, whatever your cause, you have opportunities you may not even recognize right now to tell it in carefully crafted, completely authentic true-life stories so that people identify with you and what it is you care about. Once they do, they're far more likely to invest in you as a person and in what you have to offer.

Creating Your Personal Publicity Calendar

The media want guests who know how to be timely, who can tie in whatever they're doing or promoting to what's happening in the news and in the culture right now.

We'll show you how to draw up a publicity calendar of hooks and ideas for yourself that you can use all year long. You'll always have angles you can pitch to the media to position yourself as just the right guest for the moment!

The "Make Me Mediagenic" group coaching calls will take place on Monday, September 9th (7:30-8:30 PM Eastern); Monday, September 16th (7:30-8:30 PM Eastern); and Monday, September 23rd (7:30-8:30 PM Eastern).

If you can't attend or if you happen to miss one of the three group training calls, don't worry—we will make recordings of all of them available to you.

Phase 2 of 3 – We’ll Make Sure You’re Ready To Go On The Air And Have Your Interviews Pay Off

Once you’ve been through the “Make Me Mediagenic” coaching, we’re going to start preparing you for interviews.

(If you’re already a veteran media guest, you can of course skip this phase. Then again, we find almost every guest can take their on-air game up a notch.)

First, a veteran radio host will interview you and give you feedback so you feel totally comfortable and confident, AND can be your most effective on the air.

Then, you'll get a one-on-one, 10-minute interview via Zoom with a member of my team. The team member who usually conducts these interviews is a former producer for Oprah and CNN. She's so good at what she does, she's an Emmy® Award winner!

This interview will prove a valuable "calling card" for you as you seek publicity from the media because it will showcase you at your absolute "mediagenic" best! You'll be able to show off your expertise, and the interview will include your website and book title (if you have them).

It's also a great asset you can use on your website and on social media to promote yourself and your work. For example: Did you know YouTube is the internet's second biggest search engine? It’s also one of the fastest growing publicity outlets, particularly if you’re promoting any type of how-to information. Every day millions of people search YouTube for answers to problems they face. When they’re searching for your topic on YouTube, your interview needs to be there!

Phase 3 of 3 – We’ll Start Getting You Interviews on Radio Shows and Podcasts …. Guaranteed

Once you are clear on your message and trained to present well on-air, it’s time to start getting you booked on the radio shows and podcasts!

We get you interview requests in two ways:

#1 - You’ll be in the Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR) Email Newsletter, a twice-weekly publication which goes to 700+ media producers who read it to find interesting guests. Each issue consists of approximately 25 blurbs from prospective guests, each of which is approximately 50 words long.

To save you time, your Publicity Consultant will write some ad copy for your approval and we’ll publish it in the newsletter.

Interested producers who see your blurb will call or email you directly to arrange for interviews. Radio show and podcasts will typically interview you via phone or Zoom.

As a member of our Maximum Publicity Package, your ad will run three times in the RTIR email newsletter.

#2 – You’ll also be in the print version of Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR) and reach 4,000+ producers. We started publishing RTIR in print in 1986. Several years ago, we briefly discontinued it to go all-digital. But we were overwhelmed by the number of producers, publicists and guests who said to us, “I miss your magazine! When’s it coming back?”

So we relaunched the magazine as a print quarterly. It's the perfect complement to the twice-weekly email edition.

You’ll get two quarter-page ads in the RTIR print edition. Since we publish the magazine every three months, you'll be in front of radio producers who could book you for interviews for six months!

Your ad will have an enticing headline design to make media producers and podcasters want to book you, along with body copy explaining what you and why you’ll be a good guest, as well as your contact info.

As with the email edition, we’re happy to write your ad copy for free (subject to your approval, of course).

The Best Part Is The Price

As you know, most publicists and PR firms typically charge anywhere from $15,000.00 to $30,000.00 or more for a campaign. But with my Maximum Publicity Package, you'll be able to attract media coverage for a fraction of that cost.

This is the risk-free, easy way to get publicity! I am guaranteeing you'll get at least 12 interview requests from the media over the next six months.

The retail price of this package is $3,997—and it's a bargain at that price, considering you'll get 12 guaranteed interview requests, minimum.


You Are Guaranteed 12+ Interview Requests
(no additional cost to you if you get more)

You Will Get...

3 "Make Me Mediagenic" Group Training Calls via Zoom

One-on-One Consulation with Media Trainer

One-on-One Video Interview to Use on YouTube (and elsewhere)

3 ads in RTIR email newsletter (goes to 700+ producers)

2 ads in RTIR print magazine (goes to 4,000+ producers)


Remember: If six months after your first ad runs (whether in print or electronic form), you don't have at least a dozen interview requests, we'll run your six-month campaign again at no extra cost to you. 

And in the extremely unlikely event you don't have at least 12 interview requests a full year after you've started, you can request and we will give you a prorated refund.

You have nothing to lose and potentially so much to gain: so much more exposure, confidence, income, and impact!

Even if you don't think you're ready to get started, lock in this special offer now, because you have one full year to begin. (All sales after one year are final—your incentive not to procrastinate! We want to see you get your interviews!)

Guaranteed Results for You

We guarantee you, as a Maximum Publicity member, will receive at least 12 interview requests in the first six months after your first ad runs. If not, we'll keep working with you until you do. In the event you still haven't received at least 12 interview requests after a full year, you may request a prorated refund. Best of all, you'll pay nothing more for campaigns that generate far more than 12 interview requests.

You Risk Nothing Because At Least 12 Interview Requests For You Are GUARANTEED

As you can see, my Maximum Publicity Package is a tremendous value.

Don’t forget… just ONE major media interview or feature can change everything for you. Click here now to give my Maximum Publicity Package a try.

Remember, results are guaranteed, so you risk nothing!

On behalf of our whole team, I looking forward to working with you and helping you reach a much bigger audience with your message!

Steve Harrison,
Your Publicity Strategist

PS #1 – Remember, publicity works better than advertising! My entire program costs less than a single ad in many magazines and newspapers. Click here to get your Maximum Publicity Package and let's get started!

PS # 2 – When else have you been guaranteed at least a dozen members of the media will contact you and ask you for an interview? You get at least 12 interview requests, ads in print and online, as well as valuable group and one-on-one media training that will help you generate publicity for yourself whenever you want to! Enroll now to get started

Steve Harrison's


The Easy Way to Get Coverage for What You're Promoting

Bradley Communications Corp.
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